The great perusal began! I couldn't stop reading and cooking. There was a continuous film of flour on the kitchen sink, empty cans of chickpeas in the recycling bins, and chopped parsley in my hair. I happily skipped through the streets, envisioning my dinners and how I might capture them through pictures and words as well!
That said, I never thought that I'd actually venture into "blogging" territory myself- it seemed vast, profoundly more mature, and slightly egocentric to me (do you really want to hear about my day? really?) However, it also presented an opportunity that I could not resist- the possibility to write again...and I don't mean that analytical paper on Hobbes' Leviathan that is looming over my thoughts as I write. Allow me to explain:
I had the fortune to study abroad in Madrid, Spain last Spring. Perhaps one of my favorite things to do was recount my experiences stumbling across Spanish culture to family and friends. I'd do this through a group e-mail that I sent every two weeks. I loved weaving together images of the winding, narrow, cobble-stoned streets that I trounced upon and the ancient Cathedrals that I chanced to step inside. So this blog offered another opportunity to write to the people that I love. Why not take it?
So thanks for reading thus far! The people that know me know that I'm pretty bad at making and sticking to decisions, so we'll see how long this lasts! However, I'm grateful for your attention- let the food blog begin!
Well, as a distant relative of this blogger and someone who knows how she loves food, I want to give Kelsey all the encouragement that I can. Go girl!!!
ReplyDeleteYeah! for kelsey the blogger, jogger, and poetical frogger!