So as time has worn on, I've begun to search out the little corners and tiny streets distributed sparsely throughout the madness. I like to sit in these tiny impassable streets, slightly removed from the cacaphony, and read a book as the smells of the city woft overhead. Perfumes from flowers in the windowsill above float gently down towards me and the savory scents of cooking vegetables and meats from lunch seem to curl around in the spaces between the apartments. I like to glance up at the tranquil, curtained windows of these apartments and imagine how many tiny living compartments exist in this city, and how many people must cook and sleep and carry out their lives in them.
Ratatouille1 eggplant, sliced into half-moon pieces
2 zucchinis, ditto
2 cloves garlic, diced
1 medium-sized shallot, diced
a good handful of cherry tomatoes
a handful of chopped parsley
Heat a good glug of olive oil in a deep pan over medium heat, add the eggplant with some salt and a bit of water and cook for about 10 minutes. Remove the eggplant and do the same with the zucchini. Remove the zucchini as well, then cook the garlic and shallot until the shallot is translucent. Add the pre-cooked zucchini and eggplant and the handful of tomatoes. Here's the fun part, squish the tomatoes gently with a spoon as you stir the vegetables. Add a bit of water, cover and cook for about 40 minutes to an hour.... you want to check on things and add either water or oil every so often until things are sufficiently cooked-down. At the very end add the chopped parsley.
Serve alongside a main, or with a poached egg on top!
Bon Appetit!
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